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Reset Windows Password - Light Edition
Reset Windows Password - Light Edition
Reset Windows Password is an ultimate solution designed for resetting and bypassing user and administrator passwords on any Windows system. Other Windows security settings like 'Account is disabled', 'Password never expires', 'Account is locked out' can be changed as well. The program supports local and domain accounts and uses artificial intelligence power for recovering some types of passwords instantly. A must-have for home users and domain administrators.
45.00 USD
Total: 45.00 USD
Reset Windows Password - Standard Edition
Reset Windows Password - Standard Edition
Reset Windows Password - Standard Edition
145.00 USD
Reset Windows Password Standard Edition is an ultimate solution designed for resetting and recovering user and administrator passwords on any Windows system. Other useful features like SYSKEY password lookup, searching for network and browser passwords, plaintext passwords recovery, etc. are also available in this edition. The program supports local and domain accounts and uses artificial intelligence power for recovering some types of passwords instantly. A must-have for home users and domain administrators.
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